Truncheon – 27th Moon day – day of getting sacred knowledge

Truncheon – 27th Moon day – day of getting sacred knowledge

I follow the rules of generous reality and it gives me everything I need this moment.

It’s a day of getting sacred knowledge. We listen to the world attentively, look at it and see our own place in it. It’s the place where we can get all the needed knowledge. A magic truncheon, a trident points out right direction to us; it’s a symbol of hope. You are to meet people, books and films that will give everything needed to make our life to the best advantage.

Don’t ignore proposes made today. Think over all of them. Today the world shows us everything we’ve done before, during the previous Moon days of the month. Every deed made before gives its result today. The point is only to see it.

This Moon day is good to find your place in this world. Besides, it’s a time for sharing knowledge. It’s important to realize you’re one of the particles of mankind and your own development helps the whole world. When praying or meditating think not only about yourself but of all mankind. World energies tie people together.

Don’t separate your destiny from the destiny of all mankind or make illusions that a person can live alone. No matter what you do you’re in charge for your deeds.

It’s important today to repay debts, realize your place and to acquire knowledge. One shouldn’t incur debts, stay alone or take care only of himself this day.

«SAT-HAM» Practice

by Larisa Renar

Moving in a certain way we get united with the sky as if piercing it with our energy to make the latter, focused at the tops of our fingers, take our message to the High powers and come back to us hundred times more powerful.

Sit down on your heels on the floor. Your back is straight. Put your hands together in front of your chest lifting up your point fingers and making a lock of the other ones. Move hands upwards to the forehead level.

Toss your hands to sky and stand on your knees, raping out «Sat!» Sit down on your heels, move your hands down to the chest line and rap put «Ham!»

Repeat the movements eleven times making the sounds «Sat» – upwards and «Ham» – downwards. Do the exercise nine times.

The practice helps to get active energies and stay filled with powers for the rest of the day.

«Truncheon» Meditation

by Larisa Renar

Truncheon symbolizes power, authority, high post, world’s axis. Truncheon has much in common with staff in symbolic meaning, like the latter it means the right direction, sacred knowledge pointing the way. It’s an attribute of magicians and has a magical power and ability to defeat quarrels.

You’re holding a gold trident in your hands. Raise it to the sky to get the sacred knowledge – let it glitter in the blueness of air. Stick it into the earth to get its wisdom and let it get the qualities of its bowels. Cut the sea waves with it so that it possesses magical characteristics of the water element. Bring it to a great heat so that it could have traits of transformation. Now you possess your own key to the knowledge of all four elements. In your hands it’s going to become an arm for fighting, a staff in your way, a pointing sign at crossroads, a truncheon of power and a key that opens every door.

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