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Shell – 25th Moon day – a day for inner work

Shell – 25th Moon day – a day for inner work

I know the qualities inside are the ones seen outside and with gratitude devote time to my inner world

garden flowers

It’s a day for inner work. We pay attention to our inner world to understand what is there inside of us. We close like a shell does in order to get into our inner world – like into a garden with its lakes and streams, flowers and birds. But there are places where the garden needs to be cared. Today we take care of our inner garden so that it can always stay flowering and give lots of wonderful fruits.

Look inside of you, there is a beautiful garden with its knowledge and secrets. Today you can find hidden powers inside. The wisdom of the day is in inner work, not in getting information from outside. Calmness, passiveness, silence are the main traits of this Moon day.

Listen to your inner voice, today you can easily hear it and there is a chance to speak to your inner You, rely upon it and get its answer. But don’t confuse intuition with fantasies and imagination. Listen to your soul, probably it asks you about smth and you haven’t had enough time to hear it because of your routine or great plans. Your soul is to tell you your destiny in life.

There is a chance to understand your mission on the Earth. Don’t be in a hurry or devote time to momentary wishes. It’s time for passiveness and meditation, time for inner truthfulness and leaving temptations behind.

It’s important today to do smth for your development, for your home and family.

One shouldn’t rush, fuss or following momentary caprices today.

«The Shell» Practice

by Larisa Renar


When we withdraw into ourselves and hide in our shell we realize our depth and transform into an invaluable pearl which all the world admires of.

Sit down on the floor, legs straight and moved asides, hands pressed against the floor behind your back. «Close» the shell – stretch forwards to your feet with your hands, chest and head as low as you can – you deep into the world of your subconscious. Make three breaths and exhalations. Then open your shell taking an initial pose.

Lift your knees to your stomach, wing them with hands and put your head down – close your shell tight and feel all the inner and secret. Vibrate from side to side in such a pose. Then open up your shell as soon as you’ve taken in subconscious all the energy and knowledge you need. Do the exercise once at a time.

The practice let us realize the wisdom of life because of the cooperating with subconscious energies.

«The Shell» Meditation

by Larisa Renar

Shell symbolizes female water spark, the Universe womb, birth, revival and subconsciousness. We can hear different sounds in a shell – they are the sounds of our inner world that is able to close and open to the world like a shell does.

You are a shell lying beside the ocean, green coming waves are caressing you and the sun is warming you, you are lying on white sand and birds are flying above you. But you are deep in your inner world now. Having closed your pearly folds you are looking into your mysterious inner world. A pearl of your femininity is glittering in it. Look it over, find your own reflection in it and take out of it the mood you need now.

It’s the mood of relax and calmness. Maybe you notice that your beautiful pearl is dim in some places or covered with sand and sea grass. So, put everything in order in your inner world, create a cozy home inside of you for your soul to live in, enjoying the harmony and wisdom, love and beauty. Look your inner world over – it’s so beautiful!