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Wheel – 13th Moon day – new beginning

Wheel – 13th Moon day – new beginning


I leave behind everything that interferes with my life and takes my power away!

It’s the day of starting new and getting free of the load of our past. We leave behind everything that prevents us from following our way and turn the destiny wheel to new discoveries, meetings, knowledge and success. Imagine a turning wheel which you attach your dreams, ideas and aims to. They are going to come true only when a wheel makes a full turn around. Remember it’ll take time. Some people will get everything realized immediately, others – in a month and others – in a year or even three. The speed of your wheel turning depends on your energy power.

Try to get more new information today, start learning smth. All kinds of contacts, meetings, group work are much recommended today. You’re going to get the most useful knowledge of the world and yourself today.

Today you can get rid of your past. Everything that interferes with your life will leave you on this Moon day. However, old problems can reappear again. Keep calm and stay confident. Every decision made today is to give you energy for new discoveries.

Do the practice which helps to leave everything old and useless in the past, take only needed information with you and to see the necessary things in the future but not be confused with mirages.

It’s important to be active, both physically and in your communications with people today.

One shouldn’t stay hungry, both physically and emotionally this day.

«The Wheel» Practice

by Larisa Renar

wood farm wheel

Imagine a turning wheel which you attach your dreams, ideas and aims to. They are going to come true only when a wheel makes a full turn around. Remember it’ll take time. Some people will get everything realized immediately, others – in a month and others –in a year or even three. The speed of your wheel turning depends on your energy power.

Stand still, feet on width of shoulders, hands down. Make a breath. Bent your body to the left and start turning simultaneous movement of your hands along the sun way to the left and upwards. Make an exhalation. Continue your wheel turn by bending your body to the right and moving hands along the sun way to the right and downwards.

Make nine turning movements along the sun way keeping your breath under control and imagining that you make run a huge wheel that work galaxies, sun systems and planets. Stop in a «hands down» position and start making nine turns against the sun way. On a breath bend to the right and lift hands up and to the right, on an exhalation bend to the left and move your hands down and leftwards. Make nine circles.

The practice helps to make the wheel of karmic energies run and to get free of everything you don’t need.

«The Wheel» Meditation

by Larisa Renar

vintage wheel old bicycle

Wheel symbolizes life cycle, revival and renovation, nobleness, changeability of material world. Wheel is also time, destiny or karma, a Samsara wheel, turning inexorably and incessantly.

There is a wheel of time in front of you. Every turn of it releases you of past problems, takes away everything wrong, useless, ill and senseless. You turn your will against sun drive, leaving behind past days, thanking them as well as emotions, goods and people for the experience given. And every turn of the wheel releases place for the new in you, takes away your past and lets open your future.

When the release is over, stop the fortune wheel, make a breath and start turning it along the sun drive on an exhalation. With every its turn put your dreams on your magic wheel, as well as your aims, plans, new acquaintances and willing circumstances. The wheel takes you to the future to new openings, so be ready to move with the speed you’ve given to it. The silver spokes are glittering starting the process of creation the new.