Clouds – 6th Moon day – we listen to the voice of Universe

Clouds – 6th Moon day – we listen to the voice of Universe

clouds in the sky

I pay attention to the world and its signs and it lead me to happiness!

This is the day when we listen to the voice of Universe and the God’s will. We follow the calling of powers of high and are filled with silence in order not to lose a moment when the destiny brings us to happiness, joy and love. We listen to everything that doesn’t depend on us – a wind blow, a jingle of a bell, music or silence. We listen to the world! On this day you should be attentive to the signs of the world – to everything you see and hear. It’s a good sign to see clouds on this day as a symbol of the world’s harmony. If the sky is fully covered with clouds it’s a sign which says that the world’s harmony is broken.

Today your intuition grows stronger and you are able to understand things which were not clear for you before. This day is full of love, forgiveness, prophecy, mental and verbal work for opening the Universe’ signs.

Fill in your room with odors; listen to silence and music of the wind. Do your routine but stay involved into cosmic rhythms. On this day we learn to take everything that happens with wisdom and submission without showing dissatisfaction. It’s the day of getting balance in life. Take everything as it is, don’t look for something else.

It’s important on this day to spend time in contemplation and inner calmness even if you stay active outwardly.

Don’t complain about your life, situations or close people this day.

«Breaking Up the Clouds» Practice

by Larisa Renar

According to ancient thought the sky is covered with clouds when the world or a person’s soul loses harmony. While breaking up the clouds a person establishes connection with himself.

Stand still, feet on width of shoulders, hands down. Cross the wrists of your hands with your palms looking inside a little lower than your navel is. Women put their left hand on the right one, men- vice versa. Bent your knees and look straight before yourself, breathe deeply. Stay still and collect the energy. Unbend your knees and put your hands up with wide flap up to sides. In the upper position stick your hands into the middle of clouds. Fist your hands and take the energy. Turn your palms and put them together by outer sides, connecting your inner energy with the power of clouds. Put your hands aside intensively and then down, bringing the energy flows by them. Return to initial pose. Perform the practice once at a time.

This practice helps to join the word energy flows and stay in harmony with them.

Clouds Meditation

by Larisa Renar

Clouds symbolize a prompting of skies, elusiveness or lofty feeling. For example, angels are often drawn standing on a cloud or a God’s hand is seen among the clouds. Clouds are the signs that the Universe gives us and we should read them.

We are lying and looking up to clouds. They are writing the signs of our destiny on the sky. A flying high cloud is enlightened with sunlight – these are the creative ideas born in our soul that we can realize. A cloud in a form of shield and with steel shadow symbolizes smth we should be afraid of, look where it goes to. A dark cloud is a thunderstorm met on our life way. And elusive lacy spindrift clouds are our hopes. The pictures seen during this short meditation tell you what signs you can meet today and will help you to understand them. Take the clouds of your sky with gratitude, calmness and readiness to follow the signs of your fortune.

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